Faculty Development Grants Awarded to Department Faculty

Several faculty in the Department of Literature and Languages received funding for a variety of projects and development opportunities, so let’s congratulate them! Dr. Holly Karapetkova’s Faculty Development Grant will allow her to enhance her skills in digital storytelling by taking several courses on short film production, with the future goal of teaching a semester-long course on digital storytelling. Dr. Tonya Howe received a grant to research funding opportunities in conjunction with the creation of e a digital presence for our special collections.  Dr. Marguerite Rippy was awarded a grant for archival research on Orson Welles to support her work on a chapter on Welles and Shakespeare in the collection Famous Shakespeareans (Continuum Press, 2012). Finally, a grant will support Dr. Fox’s attendance at the Digital Media and Composition Institute at Ohio State University. This two-week institute focuses on the theory and practice of digital media in the composition classroom.

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